As the title suggests, I am after a bit of advice, particularly from those who have first hand experience of Quaife, Peloquin or other LSDs.
Firstly, I have no doubt that they are of value but those who seem to have the biggest praise are those involved in track days or very spirited road driving. Whereas, I may have been involved in the latter on a few occasions, I don't, as yet, do track days.
Can anyone give advice as to whether a Quaife is really worth the money for someone who doesn't do track days but is running about 320 bhp through the front wheels but mainly uses this on the straight and narrow despite the occasional blast through the 30 miles or so of semi-rural and windey roads on my daily commute. The car will wheelspin in 4th even on the straight and narrows.
My dilemna is this - my car is currently in the 'shop' getting something else fixed. The clutch is currently fine but a recent K04 conversion means that the OEM clutch will give up in the near future. Now the problem is that the K04 conversion, Xmas and the current visit to 'the shop' has meant that spare cash is a bit of an issue.
The Quaife is about £1100 all in; a Sachs clutch and DMF is about the same; fitting cost is about the same if I do one, the other or both together but still relatively low compared to the hardware. I can afford the cost of the clutch but the Quaife would be on my flexible friend (which I like to avoid doing unless necessary)
I have heard loads of good things about LSDs/ATBs but also that they can be snatchy when coming out of a corner, that they can torque steer you into the hedge, make the steering stiffer due to the bias to centre, etc.
My questions are therefore:
Is a Quaife really worth the money given the type of relatively 'normal' (ahem

) driving that I do and possible side-effects?
Should I forget about it?
Should I do it but leave it until the clutch goes?
RedRobin gave some great advice when I met him at a recent rolling road day but I'd appreciate the views from others as I have never personally driven a car with a more recent LSD