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Approved sellers thread

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Is it not possible to have something setup like the Thank you system!

Maybe something like Selling Rank? When on completion of transaction and receipt of goods the buyer can click on the sellers profile (and visa-verse) to award a "point". This would accumulating points so its easy to see whats what!

Just an idea (might have even been suggested before)


--- Quote from: Weston on January 11, 2011, 09:29:06 pm ---
It was only a suggestion. I don't mean that the site should take any responsibility, just that there might be a way of members saying that they bought stuff from other members without issue, by way of giving more confidence to potential buyers in the future. Obviously people can change / lie / register as a new member so caution would still need to be taken.

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....I will occasionally post a comment stating that I've had a good experience buying off someone (JPC for example and also someone else more recently). If I've had a bad experience I would PM someone thinking of buying from the person. But I haven't had any bad buying/selling experiences yet here.

Wait til you see the RS3 we've got you! :signLOL:

You could have something like iTrader for feedback - which is similar to eBay's feedback system. Its used over on AVForums and works quite well. Each member has their own feedback rating in the classifieds section, which you are free to check etc.

However, its still down to your own judgement at the end of the day. You buy something through a forum and its at your own risk.

There are still a couple of things you could do to try and safeguard yourself from a member you do not recognise though. If its a recognised and respected forum member, who others have had successful dealings with, chances are you could probably trust that person and purchase. If its someone new etc you could:

1. If you are a 'regular' the seller should be ok with posting the item to you first, then you sending payment once you have the item.


2. You could always pay with normal PayPal and suffer the 3.4% extra yourself by adding it onto the total. That way the seller still gets the full amount, and you've basically paid a small amount extra to safeguard yourself. If the sale falls through, you can start a PayPal claim and retrieve your money.

Bank Transfers and PayPal Gift is like giving cash over the internet - dont do it unless its a well known member of the forum, or someone you actually can trust!


--- Quote from: SteveP on January 11, 2011, 08:59:27 pm ---
--- Quote from: apollo13 on January 11, 2011, 08:38:57 pm ---
--- Quote from: JPC on January 11, 2011, 06:19:50 pm ---I very much doubt the owner of the forum would want to be actively promoting and "approving" people/traders.

what happens when someone forgets to put someones wheel back on right?

"them nobs at MK5golfgti said this place were mint pet"

good idea, but in practice, probably not something the forum want to get involved with?

mehh... that would be my take as a forum owner anyways!

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Coming from a guy with a large banner in his sig promoting his detailing business..............

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Nice comment

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Sorry guys. Should I take it off or something?


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