Been playing it for a few days now and its GOOD!!

But so not worth all the hype and the 25 year delay!! its better than forza, but forza have brought 2 games out whilst this was being made. It also lacks some features which i miss, like in car driving, so you actually sat in the drivers seat. Also the rotation around thecar with the analog, i liked this when driving on 'pretty' tracks like london so you could look around at the scenery and graphics. Also the symphosizers constantly going off when you look behind you, or change gear.
How do people have their controlls set up?? the factory setting are a joke imo, usling the right analog as accelerate and break, I have R2 = accelerate, L2 = break, circle = change up, square = change down, triangle = look behind.
and i thought there was ment to be damage!!!!!