General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
MK5 Project Section
Was just thinking. Can we get a project section up and running and maybe have it a bit like the other forum where you PM Steve and he creates a thread that is stickied and locked to others except the owner of the car?
Joe, Hurdy, Red, Greenouse- Just a few names that might be interested in creating a thread.
What do you guys think about this one?
go for it :happy2:
need to update mine with s3 pics 8)
I'd be up for it - It can be quite a good resource for others thinking of modding etc.
Anything to help people spend their hard earned money and slide down the slippery slope!! :evilgrin:
Top Cat:
What about mkaing project threads a sticky in the members rides section rather than starting another section, That way you can recieve comments or answer questions as well and delete as you choose. just a thought guys what do you reckon. :smiley:
I'd certainly be interested in putting something together! :happy2:
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