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MK5 Project Section

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TC I had a similar conversation with Topher at one stage about what you just said...

A seperate section is probably a better idea because the project threads will become very long ended if they are not locked considering that say someone does a mod or an update and twenty people make comments.. Thats two extra pages etc that someone has to sift through which is not really related to the actual project..
My idea was a New project section. And then say Redrobin makes a project thread...

1. It is stickied so it is always there.
2. It is locked and only he can post in his thread. No one else.
3. The rest of the section under the stickies/project threads is for random comments. Questions and for the authors of the project threads to announce updates etc.

So if i want to know why Redrobin refuses to purchase a KO4 turbo and have 300 neddies I can post it in the section and he can answer without his actual project thread being disturbed aiding those viewing his project and making it more pleasureable.


mike, just so you know, the project section in golfgtiforum isnt locked, you can post in other peoples threds, nobody does it thow as its in the rules  :P

Just so you know Joe.

You can post in other peoples posts because you yourself have a project thread in there which gives you access to the other threads. A normal user cannot post on the Project threads on Thats what i ahd an issue about until Toph explained to my why they had it set up that way. And what he said I have repeated above.

And anyway. That bunch obey the rules? You kidding me right?



I agree with Mike - For each project, a stickie for the car owner's access only and the rest below as open discussion.

It just needs our webmeister to create the 'section' if we PM him.



Would it work just as a normal thread and the project 'owner' just adds to his/her original post as and when?

What about a child board in the members ride section?

If we leave it open so you can start your own thread then you can lock/unlock it yourself to add your updates?

Or as Robin suggests it's requires you to request a new thread?

Thoughts and comments please.  :smiley:


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