Well, I dont seem to have updated this for a while!!
So alot has happened in the last few months...
I sold the Mk2 Golf GTI

I bought a Mk5 Polo GTI

The remap completely messed up and had to be reloaded
A spark plug failed
The PCV system failed
I fitted the headlight washers for the xenons to OEM spec
I fitted the auto levellers for the xenons to OEM spec
My milltek downpipe bracket sheared in half just before where the cat is
All in all its been pretty busy on the Eddy!
I have been working on my Polo 6N2 GTI project which has been taking time and money away from the golf, but thats pretty much finished for now at least.
Last weekend was spend doing the levellers, which I must say is the biggest pain in the ass of a job imaginable. Let alone the fact you have to extend the loom, but the fact Kufatecs instructions are piss poor telling you to connect the wrong wires onto the wrong pins, use fuses that dont exist, and code modules that this car doesnt even have!! But I got there in the end.
I recommend nobody buy wiring from Maplin - its rubbish, and the tinned copper they use makes can bus communication very unreliable. I had to rip it out, and replace it with good quality copper wiring instead.
I havent driven her on the road since November as I have been too busy to get the levellers done, then the MOT lapsed so it wasnt a good period! Needless to say it sailed through the MOT today with no advisories :D It does however look like 4 new tyres are on the cards as they are starting to get low, so thats a purchase once the weather warms up a little
Oh, and it needs a bloody good clean, an oil change, and a DSG oil change in the summer

Now to go and reload the remap....