Well chaps, I've not gone just yet, and judging my the news I've just heard, won't be for a while yet

The build time on my new Rocco and now been estimated as approx 20-25 weeks (upto 6 months)

Dealers are blaming VW, they said no one has much new stock at the moment and what is there is being shuffled from dealer to dealer, and it's really starting to affect UK dealers (can't speak for the rest of Europe).
Apparently, this is all due to a number of factors :
1. VW dramatically cut back on production across all it's models and plants when the recession hit, so they are still clearing back logs.
2. The Scirocco is classed as a niche car and so gets affected more than say a Golf.
3. Shortage in supply of DSG gearboxes.
4. A new ordering system that was implmented at the back of last year screwed up thousands of orders acorss europe and these are still being mopped up.
5. Dealers only have a limited ordering allocation, and when they have used theirs up, they are not allowed to order anymore until a new allocation is released.
It does make me smile that as one of the worlds top 3 car manufacturers, that the situation is so bad. Of course the above could all be dealer boll*ks, but who cares, it's not like it's going to make any difference.
The dealer has promised to honor the PX price on the Golf and give me a guarantee it won't cost any more so at least I should be grateful for that. Guess I'll just bide my time and look forward to a Rocco in the Summer rather than spring. I can wait, and I suppose it maintains a little more exclusivity on the Rocco.
Afterall, it's not like I'm drving a shed at the moment, love the Golf and it will be a pleasure to take it into a new summer.