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Author Topic: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?  (Read 11775 times)

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2011, 08:53:37 pm »
even fast diesels are boring to drive

i hate this argument, sorry mate, they are!!! you buy a diesel to save money, which is why i said i would get one next, but yeah boring to drive, torque and thats it, foot down, nowt happens then you get too much torque for a split second then its time to change up, no feel, end off.

I have to disagree with you there. If you haven't ever done so have a drive something like a 535D or A4 3.0TDi.

I have a 270bhp / 290lb/ft Octavia vRS (same engine as GTi) i also have a 140PD Octavia with DSG which has a Shark Map on it. I can entertain myself just as much in both cars.

Yes the vRS is faster but going fast isn't the be all and end all of an entertaining drive. As long as you can keep either engine within the power band (which i agree is easier in a petrol) then both types of engine are good.

One of my Bosses has a mapped 535D and that thing is quick and i mean seriously quick. Yes not Stage 2 onwards ED30 quick but he can keep with me in a straight line up to around 100mph and on twisty roads i have to put a bit of effort in to pull out a decent lead.

The way to look at it is a Fast diseasel gives you about 85% enjoyment of a Petrol for about 60% of the fuel costs.

Just my tuppence  :drinking:

I think you should keep that information to yourself!  :laugh:


It's easier in the Diseasel actually being an Estate. More room to manoeuvre  :wink: :evilgrin:

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2011, 08:56:02 pm »
Trust me, i know how good the DMS map is for them! Ive had three different cars done (same engine, but in X5's etc) by them now and its monstrous!

One of the X5's we had done was done as part of their development of the map. I spent a day with them and it was awesome!

I was genuinely shocked. I went out in his car when he got it and he could only keep with me up to around 60-70mph and then i just pulled away at a fair pace. I went in his car as a passenger and was pleasantly surprised.

Then he got it mapped and fcuk me i was  :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: I knew they mapped well just not that well.

Offline Beddie

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2011, 10:19:28 pm »
It is becoming a problem very quickly!
It's all part of the exclusive membership Rich, i've been upgraded to a premium member now that my fuel bill is £420 a month  :scared:

Although it is a little worrying that i spend more on Optimax than i do on my mortgage!  :grin:

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Offline micky 32

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #48 on: January 27, 2011, 01:05:40 pm »
Trust me, i know how good the DMS map is for them! Ive had three different cars done (same engine, but in X5's etc) by them now and its monstrous!

One of the X5's we had done was done as part of their development of the map. I spent a day with them and it was awesome!

I was genuinely shocked. I went out in his car when he got it and he could only keep with me up to around 60-70mph and then i just pulled away at a fair pace. I went in his car as a passenger and was pleasantly surprised.

Then he got it mapped and fcuk me i was  :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: I knew they mapped well just not that well.

Carl in a straight line against the mapped 535d how does you car do against it, do you manage to pull away from it? Thing is about the 535d they are quite thirsty and probably use as much fuel as a 2.0T?
2008 Octavia vRS K04'd , Forge twintercooler, Evoms, Autotech uprated pump, full Milltek exhaust 324bhp on JKM's rollers ;-)

Offline JPC

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #49 on: January 27, 2011, 02:06:50 pm »
Well In my experience of the 535d it gets about 450 miles from a tank. That's with town driving mostly too

I hardly think you'd be getting 2.0t economy unless there's something wrong!

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #50 on: January 27, 2011, 02:19:34 pm »
Trust me, i know how good the DMS map is for them! Ive had three different cars done (same engine, but in X5's etc) by them now and its monstrous!

One of the X5's we had done was done as part of their development of the map. I spent a day with them and it was awesome!

I was genuinely shocked. I went out in his car when he got it and he could only keep with me up to around 60-70mph and then i just pulled away at a fair pace. I went in his car as a passenger and was pleasantly surprised.

Then he got it mapped and fcuk me i was  :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: I knew they mapped well just not that well.

Carl in a straight line against the mapped 535d how does you car do against it, do you manage to pull away from it? Thing is about the 535d they are quite thirsty and probably use as much fuel as a 2.0T?

They aint thirsty. My boss and i did similar distance journeys to work, opposite directions though or i'd have got a lift :laugh:

I would average around 300 miles to the tank. He would get around 450-500 per tank. Or put another way i would fill the vRS twice a month and he would fill once every 4-5 weeks.

In a straight line he could pretty much keep with me to around 100mph however he would get off the line quicker to due to RWD. From 100mph+ i could pull away. However on reaching 150mph he would only be at most 100m behind.

Before anyone gets on the moral high ground this was on a runway and not the Public road :P

Offline jhtrophy

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2011, 06:40:58 pm »
i have driven the 3.0 audi and was ok, had a 535d for a week, was fast yeah, but my cupra r that i had at the same time was way more fun (and that was a bit boring), i never said diesels were not fast, we do get a bit hung up on speed,  i said they were boring drivers cars, a 535d is one of the best day to day cars i have ever driven, but i would never think im just gonna go out for a drive in one, each to there own, i prefer petrol in a drivers car, still dont think that comment warrants been called stupid but what do i know i like french cars :signLOL:
BMW 335d msport touring lci. Auto, estate and diesel! Oh no

Offline micky 32

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2011, 06:44:29 pm »
Is the tank not bigger in the BMW though? I managed 450 miles out of my tank going back to Ireland from Portsmouth with the KO4.
2008 Octavia vRS K04'd , Forge twintercooler, Evoms, Autotech uprated pump, full Milltek exhaust 324bhp on JKM's rollers ;-)

Offline jhtrophy

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #53 on: January 27, 2011, 06:50:34 pm »
a 535d will get same mpg as a hot hatch 30-35mpg
BMW 335d msport touring lci. Auto, estate and diesel! Oh no

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2011, 07:07:30 pm »
Most 535d's we get in have 36-37 mpg on the computer, one company that we work for mapping their cars (engineering company and managers both have 535d's to go between Newcastle and Hull) get 42+ average as they do a lot more motorway miles.

My 335d is on an average 38mpg over the last 2900 miles and is used for school runs and round town mainly, lowest I see when having a bit of fun is 32 and on a recent run down to alton towers and back at 75mph I got 48mpg.

My golf averages 25mpg :( but on a run I can get 33 if I try.

The petrol vs diesel argument will go on for ever, If I only had one car and had to choose based on 15k miles a year it would be a turbo petrol.

Before anyone dissmisses a diesel as boring, go test drive a 335d msport, brilliant as standard (286hp and 428ft/lb) but mapped stage 1 (350hp and 580ft/lb) is enough to see off most hothatches with brilliant handling to match.

But I agree that the 335i is more fun but not any quicker so if economy is important then go diesel. 

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #55 on: January 27, 2011, 07:33:24 pm »
Dont forget to factor in the price of a set of winter tyres before you click 'buy now' on a bmw  :signLOL:

Offline stealthwolf

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #56 on: January 27, 2011, 08:01:57 pm »
When I used to live down south, I had a mk5 diesel that stayed on my tail until the higher rev ranges. My car was stock at the time, so 230bhp.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #57 on: January 27, 2011, 08:08:55 pm »
RS tuning have a turbo upgrade good for 280hp reliably, with potential for over 300hp on the 2.0TDI :surprised:

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #58 on: January 27, 2011, 08:59:58 pm »
Is the tank not bigger in the BMW though? I managed 450 miles out of my tank going back to Ireland from Portsmouth with the KO4.

I can get over 550miles out of the vRS on a motorway run sticking at 70-80mph

However round town/short journeys i get about 300miles.

I'm currently averaging nearly 53mpg out of the Slingshot :P
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 09:01:41 pm by vRS Carl »

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Re: Diesel Equivalent to ED30 Anyone?
« Reply #59 on: January 27, 2011, 09:36:56 pm »
I did Devon Mikey Boys brakes on the replacement car after his 450BHP 140PD, he sold it and bought a 550BHP twin turbo R32......

The biggest problem with Diesel tuning is that you have to spend some serious money on clutches - not an area you can scrimp on.....

One of the lads on the Mk4 forum is running a 260BHP big turbo 150 Engine with a V6 Long legged gearbox and in gear it would keep up with a Stage 2 ED30 I would say fairly easily, he uses it as a daily and gets 50+ MPG, totally effortless driving as well