the bruce Thank you very very much for explaining those things to me. I really appreciate it!

If I am doing something wrong please do not hesitate to tell me.
Yesterday I arrived home and I can tell you that the car has more grip mid corner with the TT arms and the new setting so it is impossible to say if toe in or toe out are better. I will however take your advice and go to 0.05' toe in next time. This way I should be able to say if toe in helps or not.
I saw that the car did not have any grip when exiting the corner. Any thoughts on that (it was a little bit damp but I am pretty sure it was not that because I saw this on the dry parts also)? Could it be the toe out?
Am about my last experience on the track...
As I previously said I went to the F1 Hungaroring Track on Monday. Unfortunately the weather played tricks on us. It was really cold and raining when we woke up. But one hour after that the track began to dry. Unfortunately there were regular showers and the track never was 100% dry. Consequently I tried to avoid the kerbs and the white line between the raceway and the kerbs/grass because they were really slippery. My times refracted that. I got to improve my last times but only with about 0.3 seconds. This is a little bit considering the changes:
1. the NQSBBK:
- excellent brakes, no fade whatsoever, great stopping power and much more confidence for the driver
- I got to really cook them so that the paint job on the disc did not last for long.
- one really small minus is the noise of the disks (no an issue for me)
2. the TT arms
- the car was better than with the old setup
- I may have made a mistake as
the bruce explained above; how much this affected my time, I have no idea.
The car really was a great car to drive. It was really alive and I liked that. For Nring I would need a more stable setup though.
I thing I improved my lines since the last visit but I will only know that if I am faster under normal conditions. Except one corner were I deliberately did not go over the kerb (because of the above reason) I should be faster on any corner. I guess time will tell...
Here are some pictures of my last trip:

And here are the 2 cars I went with:
S3 Revo stage 3 500+ bhp (running only low to mid 400 for this trip) with quite a few mods
Polo GTI Revo stage 3 400+ bhp (running low to mid 300 for this trip) with few mods
The Nissan is not one of ours

Thanks for watching!