I may bore you with this post but hopefully that's not the case...
I want to post another video from the Hungaroring trackday. This is the best passenger lap till now, about 1.5 seconds faster than the fastest one before. This is still about 1.4 seconds slower than the best solo lap but adding another 80kgs is a huge factor for my 160bhp, 1280kg without the driver, Golf.
A few remarks:
1. this lap is an aggressive one and this aggression is seen in the overall time.
2. a point for those of us who ride the curbs: when riding the curb mid corner, the inner wheel will lift and a lot of the pressure is transferred to the outer wheel. If this wheel is already at it's limit, the car will understeer. I am sure most of you already know that but I wanted to share that thought for those who don't know. So careful when riding the curbs!
3. I often get distracted when driving with a passenger and I always want to share my thoughts with them. As I was about to share the above thought with my passenger I lost concentration and I did not brake for the bend at 1:53. Usually the cars understeers when going to fast through there but now, all wheels lost grip and especially the rear. As was fortunate to keep the car on track.
As a conclusion, the car behaved strangely, but wonderfully, this trackday and I had lots of fun. I would not like the car to be so unpredictable at the Ring, though

Comments are, as always, welcomed!