Well, the CCM didn't work as expected because it seems that I need a MFSW to make everything work.
I was (and still am) not a big fan of the MFSW because in my previous experience with MFSW I tend to bush the buttons when I steer the car.
But I really want that REVO SPS Pro so I decided to switch to a MFSW.
There were 2 choices:
1. Mk5 MFSW
The first was less expensive and I like the leather better (it is perforated where it should be) while the second option looks better and has more buttons for diverse functions.
Finally it all came to price and since I have a MFSW Mk5 GTI steering wheel (with blanks for buttons) I decided to go for No. 1.

I wanted to buy the controls from the dealer but they cost 100 GBP each

(and I had to buy other parts as well).
So I bought a 3 spoke MFSW. This was never fitted but had some marks on the controls (scratches).

I think this failed the quality control and they tried to destroy the piece.
But, I go another left control with a broken leg and I switched the exterior part, so now the left one is in perfect condition.

The right part has the scratch I was telling you about and at this point I am waiting to have it mounted to see how much this would bug me. If that scratch is visible I will find a way to switch that part.

I've ordered the airbag loom and steering wheel controller (CH version) and after they arrive I will put everything together.
I hope all will be fine now...