Thanks Omar!

Well, it's been almost 5 months since the visit to the first Romanian track - yup, welcome Romania to the 20th century from a motorsport point of view. I hope it will take us less than 100 years to get to the 21st century

So, before I lose all memory of the trip here is what happened.
In the autumn of 2014 the first track was opened in Romania. It is called Motorpark Romania and it is known to Romanians as Adancata.
The first trackdays were a mess because we don't really have the trackday's culture. So I wanted to stay clear of the first trackdays and only had the first run in May.
It was a private event where about 20-25 cars were present, most of us friends. I was really happy to see most of my friends from Bucharest with whom I went to Nurburgring or Hungaroring.
All in all, some great cars and great atmosphere.
The track, though, was not so great...
It was only the short version and it had the second to last asphalt layer (very abrasive), no kerbs and the ground was pretty soft around the track. If you lost control and ran wide, there were high chances of a roll-over. So I can say I wasn't going to take any chances

I still had fun and I totally think it was worth it but Hungaroring is much more fun and a lot safer. Money wise it's almost the same so if I had to chose I would go for Hungaroring. For my friends in Bucharest, Adancata is much closer and so, it is a lot cheaper than Hungaroring.
And some pictures.
Setting up the suspension:

Fuscobal (notice the huge wing


Acidutzul to whom I really have to give some credit because I was truly amaised of this driving skills. He taught me some of the lines and than he took me for a lap. The way we was making his FWD mk5 2.0 TDI car oversteer was impressive. Not to mention the fact that he was doing this on porpoise and had no troubles controlling the car. So, my friend, I salute you


Some 'in action' photos:

And some other photos:

Next up, the video/videos.
All the best!