Anyone else had a similar problem? Was at the petrol pump today, and filled up the Golf. Opened the filler flap as normal using the interior switch. Then after filling up and closing the filler cap the filler flap wouldn't close; I pushed it shut and it just rebounded off. Had a close look at the mechanism, which is not something I've ever looked at before. Looked like the metal tab needed to rise up over the tab on the inside of the flap but was too low. Tried closing it slowly, it closed this time but now it won't open

there's no give on it at all. I can hear the mechanism work when I pull the interior switch but it won't open! Tried wiggling and there's no movement at all.
Anyone had any issue like this? Or does anyone know how to access the mechanism from inside the boot? Good news is I'm filled up for a while, but still quite annoying.