I have registered abt a month ago and have been reading your great forum a while....

Thought it would be nice to drop a line and get to know each other...

Well I recently purchased a 2008 Gti Ed30 DSG, which I swore that I would leave stock (well maybe a reflash only...

) as it is my daily driver and wanted it to be smooth and reliable... but THEY would not leave me in peace... there is a lot of midnight action over here and "internal" competition with S3's and Cupra's and recently with M3's and some Evo's so I plunged in to deep waters and stage 2+...

The car is great I have to admit ( I used to own a normal GTi and and a 2008 S3 as well) and I absolutely LOVE the DSG... (it is limiting my torque potential at the moment but I am working on that a bit... )

Nice to meet ya all here...
P.S. For cross reference I have a small history with universal forums like M3forum.net and 6speedonline.com and I believe that besides fun all these forums offer a vast wealth of info with the public, which I personally have find extremely valuable over the years.