Just had a guy phone me up.
Him: Hello sir, Im calling from £$%^& financial Ltd (cant remember who it was exactly, but never heard of them lol)we have your details on our system.
Me: hello, what can i do for you.
him: can i ask some security questions before we carry on.
me: Hold on a sec, you haven't told me what you want yet, so im not going to give you any of my details
him: I cant tell you until you answer the security questions
me: So you want me to give you all my details without knowing who or what you are or why your calling. Are you on drugs.
him: Yes sir
me: How about **** OFF. you must think I've been popping Rohypnol if im just going to pass all my details over without you explaining anything about yourselves. thanks for your time, im going to bar your number from our phone. Have a good day.
Thats a shortened down slightly plolite version of what went on

seriously, who would just give their details out on a whim like that. Phone calls like that p!ss me right off.