Never see them up our way, Geof 
We share the bobby and pantomime polis.

Im told they stay down your end as its too much effort to peddle/walk up the hill to my village

Oh and panto is scared of the kids round ours as they pick on him

Was a few police about last Monday at street though

Managed to use the site.
What a load of BS. By postcode, two streets have huge problems with ASB nearly every night its why i cannot work on the car in the garage after around 6pm for the past 3 years! but no reports! I know theres been reports i reported and so have many others in the two streets its why theres so many houses up for sale there!
People in this village know the police are useless so don't bother reporting a lot of what goes on as the police don't do anything or even bother turning out 99% of the time and if they do the police tell the problem who reported it which makes it ten times worse for the person who reported it. A poor lass on the end house has had her garden wall, fence, shed, garden, yard pulled tobits because of this, time and time again to the point shes give up and its in a state now. No problems yea right!