General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Expanding the Quick Reply box....

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Hi Robin,

I am slightly confused. I have tried the quick reply on my account with firefox, IE and Safari and get the scroll bar options to the side of the quick reply box??

On Safari you can also drop the bottom corner to expand the box?

This is what I see: -


Yes, you can drag from the corner or use the scroll bar when the window has got full enough of content.

As I described (and referred to with the example of some forum software has the option of small clickable arrows which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay easier and faster.

Shall I grab a screenshot and email it to you?

Yes please Robin as my brain is struggling to visulise what you mean  :laugh:

Got your email robin  :happy2:

So those arrows expand/reduce the height of the height of the quick reply box??

Yes - In fixed increments - Xnumber pica/px per click. Surprisingly helpful/useful.

Ees pozzibull??


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