Stand passes will be issued to the designated club stand organiser only from Autometrix.
I figured it'd be something like this. The question is how far in advance do they get the passes, and how will they be passed onto forumites.
Also how many allowed on the stand and should we start a list?
They will send it out with enough time obviously for the organiser to distrubute. maybe a month before the show but it is down to the club organiser to tell Autometrix how many passes they require.
Also upto to organiser to distribute to attendees. how he/she does that is up to them. Post?Pre show meet? On the morning of show meet pre entry?
There is no real limit to how many allowed...but if you ask for big plot and only use half then you will not be seen in good light for following year. They may also ask you to provide a list of forum people attending to back up plot size request.