thats how i have to see it, we lost everything (including the mint golf gti cabrio parked next to it) but we survived

as for the bug, the roof is gone as you can see, although that image is about 5 years old now, the engine although undamaged and complete has sat in the back of it ever since
i used to only bring her out for shows or on dry sunny days which is one of my biggest regrets as i wish i had have used it alot more now that ive no longer got her
the parts that are left are still valuable but i think i'd rather cut her free in one go rather than face chopping her up considering our history

like ive said some more shots will follow, and she is open to offers once youve seen them although i will sort a for sale thread to do it properly... i can deliver her too
the only other shots i have of her are these:

obviously all my other shots were lost in the fire so even the build photos of which there were hundreds are gone too, all i have are the above and memories... although if for a mad coincidence you ever saw it at a show and took a shot, id be very interested in seeing it although i know thats unlikely