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Author Topic: RNS 510 Head Unit  (Read 4860 times)

Offline londonboyperth

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RNS 510 Head Unit
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:57:14 am »
I have a MK5 Golf GTI (2007) and I live in I am always unsure as to whether or not the correct information is being provided to me. Sure, VW have become bigger here now but it has only been in the past 5-6 years that you see a decent number on the road.

Basically my query is with regard to the stereo head unit in my car. It is a 6-CD type. It all works but hey, these days it is normal to have a fully functioning MP3 system (iPod). I made enquiries a few years ago about installing my car stereo (which I had fitted in an E36 BMW before I bought the VW) in to the GTI but was informed that it would massively upset the CAN-BUS system which seems to control just about everything. Hence, my Alpine head unit(iPod), Amp, Sub-Woofer and Speakers are rotting away in my cupboard.

I was also told that it is possible a instal some sort of device which allows for the iPod to connect. However it's functionality is extremely limited, so I passed on that idea.

I have recently (today) spoken with the local VW dealer here in Perth to see if it was possible to fit the 'RNS 510 Head Unit' from the new MK6 GTI in to my MK5. This system is not only MP3 compatible but also Sat-Nav (plus a few extra things which I don't care about). They said that they HAD already done this exercise with a different customer....however the problem was that the new system (RNS 510) drained the battery if the car was not driven in under 2 days. Well, of course, this is not acceptable! And for this privilige, I need to shell out $4500 (about 3 grand in pounds).

So, does anyone have any suggestions as to my options? I am not keen on making silly modifications to a perfectly good car (in fact it's better than perfect!!...aren't all Volkswagon's??).

Really it is JUST the head unit I need to sort out. Once I have the appropriate unit then I can add my own Alpine equipment (without the head unit).


Offline vRS Carl

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 07:01:15 am »
You just need to get a new Can-gateway and then the RNS will work perfectly fine.

Ask the dealer to check what version your Can-Gateway is. If it's L or above then you wont need a new one the RNS will work just fine.

If you do need a Gateway this one will be cheaper than a dealer (they are about £130-150 in the UK)

You can also get the RNS Cheaper than a dealer on eBay too and they are straight forwards to fit. However you would need someone near to you with VCDS to code it (or if your dealer is friendly they might)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 07:07:35 am by vRS Carl »

Offline londonboyperth

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 07:07:00 am »
Thanks for that Carl.

But as I pointed out, the guys here have already done one on another customer's car...and the battery drained because there is something preventing the system from fully closing down and it draws a small current.

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 07:10:12 am »
Yes and it's the Gateway that prevents the car closing down.

If you have an L Revision or higher gateway it will NOT suffer from battery drain. We have the same issue here in the UK and everyone who has a lower than L Revision Gateway just buys one like i have linked above.

You may even get away with it on a K revison. My car has a K revison and i don't get battery drain but it is Hit & Miss with K. For guaranteed no battery drain you need L or Higher. :happy2:

Offline londonboyperth

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 07:21:02 am »
OK thanks for that Carl. do you find the unit in terms of useability?

I have not seen one working. The guy told me that you need ANOTHER (loadsamoney) connection so that you can actually plug an iPod to the unit. The other option is to use an SD card to load the music on to the internal hard-drive (which at 20Gb I believe, is well big enough). The iPod is obviously more user-friendly (because updating the music is as simple as a sync with the iTunes on my PC) whereas the SD option would require me to update the hard-drive in the car manually each time I purchase some new music.

I'm no cheap-skate.....however the prices of cars here and anything to do with genuine parts is extortionate. As I said, the RNS 510 unit alone is 3000 POUNDS!!!!

Offline danishmkvgti

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 07:25:00 am »
talk to mortygttdi on here about a RNS510 unit. he will be able to get you one for a reasonable price. Also the gateway, my advice is to get as new as possible, the ones with double letter revision is from the mk 6 and they work fine in the mk 5  :drinking:

Over the top mod list ;o)

Offline londonboyperth

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2011, 07:33:34 am »
Hi Danish,

Thanks for that.

I would always try to buy new...and also, because I am in Australia and the market for everything (except blue singlets) is tiny, we have to be careful as to the model you buy because if it isn't an Australian recognised model then you are f**ked when you need to fix it or get a part for it or try and upgrade etc etc.

It is the same with televisions, computers, mobile name it, you HAVE to get the Australian model or you MIGHT regret it later. By the way, Australian models (for 'stuff' like I mentioned...tellys etc) CAN be purchased from abroad IF you know what you are doing. Well, I'm afraid, in this case I have no idea what I am doing!

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2011, 07:48:59 am »
Useability wise i think they are great.

I would definately recommend using an SD Card or HDD for the music.

The main problems you personally will come across is Firmware & Mapping. If you are going to get one other than from a dealer then you need to get one from something like Also have a look on as someone on there may be able to provide you with the correct firmware for your region. They are different for EU, USA, Asia Pacific etc. If you use the wrong firmware you wont be able to load the correct mapping for Aus.

Offline mortygttdi

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Re: RNS 510 Head Unit
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2011, 06:08:05 am »
The UK/EU RNS510 works fine over in OZ, I was involved in a group buy with John(Ilketronic) ended up the John got quite a few units off a supplier I sorted out for him.

If you go on the VW Watercooled website you'll see what what, but the basics are you buy the unit from the UK or Europe then get a V3 map disc from OZ and you'll be fine to go. 

The only other thing is the version of RNS510 you get personally if you want to avoid battery drain then go for a B version which will be fine with firmware of anything upto 1300.
