Well I finally got to Level 30 on GT5 today (after doing Indy 500 endurance for the second time to get the points)
Unlocked the Sebastien Vettel Challenge.
You need to get at least bronze in each challenge on the Nurburgring GP, Monza & Suzuka tracks to be awarded the X1 car (or you can wait to get to level 40 experience and buy it for £20million

or get your B-Spec level to 35 and you get one then but B-spec is so f*cking boring)
Well I have spent nearly 4 hours trying to beat the 2mins 14 needed. Oh and you have an out lap from the pits and a flying lap to do (on all tracks) in 2mins 14.
It is nigh on impossible. I've only tried Nurburgring GP so far and I can't get any closer than 5 secs off. I'm using the controller not a steering wheel and looking online it seems everyone who does it uses a wheel.
You just can't be precise enough with the analogue stick I've tried all sorts of configurations. The main problem is if you go off the track at all you get disqualified even if it would slow you down.
Looks like I'm going to upset the wife tomorrow as this is not going to beat me

Anyone any tips (apart from drive faster
