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Author Topic: David Camerons big Society  (Read 5199 times)

Offline vRS Carl

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David Camerons big Society
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:53:30 pm »
When you get on the bus to go to work, when it seems like everyone else is living off of the dole, but never the less you still power through.

At the end of the month you receive your wage, only to find about 20% of it has been deducted as tax to fund the bankers new Bentley.

You would like to drive to work but due to the crippled economy, VAT rise, budget cuts and the insane rise in fuel prices, your car is modestly parked on your drive way.

Whilst on the bus you spot an incident involving a few Chavs at the back who have started a mini fire on the back seat. Being the good citizen you are you decide to ring the police, but due to job cuts in the public sector the phone just continues to ring.

So you just quietly sit at the front of the bus waiting to get off near your work.

But then an old woman steps on and insists you move and make way for her. Despite your taxes going on the old lady's free bus pass, you paying £4 for your journey and the fact that she is getting off in three stops, you are still obliged to let her sit down!

This is David Cameron's big society!!

Offline rich83

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 06:57:22 pm »
Its great isnt it.... and guess what, its gonna get worse. Just make sure you take a tub of lube everywhere you go... because the inevitable will happen!

Offline tony_danza

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 07:03:15 pm »
Cameron is a ****. All those wanting the grass that was greener will come to see this soon enough. I don't object to the change of Government as such, more so him. I despise the fact the election was decided by the bloody media, more so Murdoch's agenda.

Banks, hmm.. Gordo pulled a shrewd move IMO that will pay off in time. Remember "we" hold shares in the few banks we had to buy out (you can't condemn them all) and those shares bought for a fraction of their value will mature into much more. "We're" getting a share of profits and when that % is sold back to the banks "we" will see a massive windfall.

Pensioners hopefully have paid their taxes and time to deserve that free busride, I'd never begrudge anyone a seat being fit and able.

The rest you have a point on. We'll suffer and suffer until we break and demand change, then someone else will have to spend years undoing everything. That'll cost even more.
Sideways yo!

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 07:06:55 pm »
It wasn't mine Tony.

I saw it on Sickipedia of all places and thought it was quite amusing.

I wouldnt begrudge an OAP/Woman/Disabled person my seat as that's how I was brought up.  :happy2:

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 07:09:38 pm »
Ahh, I didn't think it seemed like your words somehow.

Cameron's still a c*** though  :signLOL:
Sideways yo!

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 07:12:29 pm »
Couldn't agree more :laugh:

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2011, 11:10:29 pm »
Did you see the other one from Sickipedia earlier

"what does David Cameron have in common with German pornstars mouth?

They are both full of s***"

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2011, 11:23:32 pm »
id vote Cameron again I agree hes a smug looking pr!ck but hes doing the things labour never had the guts to do.

i love the fact that he has hit into the benefits fraudsters and spongers.  Also they are refusing to allow europe to enforce us to give prisoners votes.  I dont doubt he'll lose that one in the high courts, but that will result in us exiting the Human rights act which will be huge step forward in getting rid of this ridiculous culture of blame that it has spawned.  You cant fart thesedays without requiring a risk assessment for fear of being liable for damages. 

I do think hes gone to far with the defence cuts though. 

If labour stayed in power they would still have to be making cuts left right and center just as Cameron has been, but they would be borrowing money to pay for all the dole queue's giro and benefits still. 

heres you alternative, i think hes even worse than brown.  id maybe consider voting his brother if he was labour leader, he seemed like a 'normal' individual.

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2011, 11:59:45 pm »
id vote Cameron again I agree hes a smug looking pr!ck but hes doing the things labour never had the guts to do.

i love the fact that he has hit into the benefits fraudsters and spongers.  Also they are refusing to allow europe to enforce us to give prisoners votes.  I dont doubt he'll lose that one in the high courts, but that will result in us exiting the Human rights act which will be huge step forward in getting rid of this ridiculous culture of blame that it has spawned.  You cant fart thesedays without requiring a risk assessment for fear of being liable for damages. 

I do think hes gone to far with the defence cuts though. 

If labour stayed in power they would still have to be making cuts left right and center just as Cameron has been, but they would be borrowing money to pay for all the dole queue's giro and benefits still. 

heres you alternative, i think hes even worse than brown.  id maybe consider voting his brother if he was labour leader, he seemed like a 'normal' individual.

I 100% agree on everything youve said, hes had to make big cuts but if its good for the country in the long run then everyone will just have to deal with it.

Labour are a complete joke in my eyes they pretty much f**ked everything up while they were in power and it would only be getting worse if tey were still in.

This counrty deffinatly needs to start turning a blind eye to the EU muppets that are obsessed with human rights.

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 08:51:49 am »
Hey we have all seen Equilibrium and Demolition man right???

Father and Dr Cocteau are coming :scared: :scared:


Offline Richn83

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 09:29:04 am »
The labour support the lazy (I have used this term as there are some people that need help in society) and provide them with everything they need to have a life equivalent to those that work is part of the reason we ended up with such a crippled economy, if you ignore the large amount of money that was borrowed for the banking crisis the largest expenditure in this country is the welfare state and there are always figures being banded around that imply 40-50% of that could be saved by removing fraud, red tape and getting those that could to start working. 

Its a little bit Marxis's but I feel that able bodied people on benefits should be given community service to tidy up the country litter picking cleaning graffiti since our taxes have to be used to pay a private contractor to do these jobs and pay for someone else to sit on their bum.

As mentioned earlier the bail-out money at least got us shares in the banks, my only concern is will we sell the shares at the right time for the country or will we throw the opportunity away.  And if we do as a country profit from the sale will we see a return to the lower VAT and reduced duty and increased public services or will it dissapear into a war chest while the general public get bleed dry in taxes and duty.

I think I might leave it there  :sick:

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2011, 11:33:34 am »
I have never bothered to vote in all my years, so i cant really moan about who is in power, my early years were shaped by my father being on strike half his working life, trying to fight with Thatcher, so the Conservatives dont quite hold a place in my heart. But i have to say i agree 100% in them making drastic cuts.
I think all of our society should be feeling this pain. To teach us all a lesson. For the last 8 or 9 years every advert on tele was about credit cards, it was the norm to carry 7 or 8 of them paying off one with the other, basically nearly every man and his dog spending money they didn't have. But of course we all felt very rich as our property prices were sky rocketing. every other program on tele was a property development program telling us to paint our walls cream for a 50,000 squid prophet on a quick sale.
The labour goverment should have cooled down this growth to prevent going over the edge like we did, but they were happy to ride the crest of the wave.  :fighting:

Look after the vunerable in our society, and bring on the pain for the rest of us i say. And hopefully in 10 years when we start to grow fast again we might all think twice about buying BMW with a credit card because our neighbour who works in Tesco's has just bought a Merc.  :scared:

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2011, 11:46:30 am »
Why should we all feel the pain?, you know some people actually are not responsible for this mess!

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2011, 12:01:33 pm »
Why should we all feel the pain?, you know some people actually are not responsible for this mess!

Yep i count myself as one of them, but we are all responsible when it comes to stopping it happen. I know next time when my friends start borrowing themselves into a hole i will be pointing out to them how stupid they are being.  And i wont be moaning if the goverment puts up property tax to cool things down, where i might have moaned if i was not effected by the cuts this time round.
I am very lucky, i have kept my very good job and can still lead a good life. But my property is worth less now than what i paid for it, my endowment's have no doubt took a big hit, the council have cut right back on services i took for granted around my home, but i still feel some responsability for the situation we are all in.  :happy2:

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Re: David Camerons big Society
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 03:10:15 pm »
Cameron & his crew telling everyone to tighten there belts etc & everything we buy is going through the roof & that smug bast**d is sitting on a personal fortune of over 30 million!!!!!!!!. All politicians should try & live in the real world like the people who vote for them.Trouble with them is most of them come from very rich backgrounds & have no idea the true cost of paying for thing like we all have to do. :mad:
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