paint it like you will but...
i know someone on benefits who was given a four bedroom house in a postcode i cant afford because she pushes out kids by her unemployed husband.
she's currently pregnant with her eighth and is set to move into a new build in an even more prestigious postcode with larger houses so they can all have space.
she drives a 3 month old minivan paid for by disability allowance due to a weak pelvis from pushing the kids out and gets more per week into her bank account than i get in a whole month.
this isnt something im making up either

theres quite a few new cars in the school run car park, the owners living in very nice houses and have never worked a day in their life. Mrs cherry is good friends with one woman who has four kids, a brand new house and car and wont work as she would get less a month if she did so doesnt see the point.
like TC i dont vote, but thats because i dont see anything worth voting for not because i dont want to
and by the way, those that know me also knows that my dad is a lib dem MP..... and i dont see eye to eye with him either