ah but if you fill up at shell you get points with your Vpower card which you can convert to airmiles, if you pay with virgin atlantic Amex you get airmiles, because you collect two sets of points in one transaction with the amex card virgin atlantic give you a third set of points as a thankyou, convert all to airmiles and youre laughing
currently have well over 20,000 airmiles saved from the 15,000 miles wort of fuel bought from shell
thats gets me alot of places for free, and can cash them in for hotels, theme parks etc etc
my tesco points are converted to airmiles too
needless to say, im well on track for my free hong kong trip in 2012

(only cost is airport tax)
my R has only ever been run on Vpower, never planning to change 
my truck though... tesco's all the way as it costs almost £100 to fill it so 5p off per litre really helps as do the points 
The only Tesco I know near you is in Penzance,that is,nt momemtum 99ron..I was there when it re-opened after a re-fit and it was only 95ron..I queued for ages to find that out.Then drove topside of Hayle for some V power.. 
i wouldnt know dude i use diesel at tescos

but yeah its penzance