All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

new pics of my 'finished' gti

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i know, ive seen them! and if id have seen them when i got the 18"s i would have gone with them, its the price of the tyers i cant afford  :laugh:

oh, oh, oh, oh... Is that a VWR front splitter/spoiler? How much?

The car looks like the kind of car that would kick the sh*t out of you in a pub for looking at its bird.  :happy2:

I love it Joe. Looks so menacing...

You wouldnt consider getting the spoiler thing (Reiger one you have) on the front smoothed and actually sprayed black?

I dont think that Matte finish looks to great.

Besides that she is a beaut.  :love:

Looking good.  rear plate looks mounted a little high in the bumper.

Looks stunning Joe !  :happy2:   8)

Your rims will look crazy once you get the centres done !


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