General chat
LOL = laughing out loud
ROFL = rolling on floor laughing
LMAO = laughing my ass off
PMSL = pi55ing myself laughing
PM'D = private messaged
IMHO = in my honest/humble opinion
IIRC = if i recall correctly
FYI = for you information
HTH = hope that helps
OP = original poster
WTF = what the fcuk
TTT = to the top
BUMP = people type this to bring a thread to the top of the forum list so people will see it.
Car talkFMIC = front mounted intercooler
SMIC = side mounted intercooler
TBE = turbo back exhaust
DP = downpipe
BT = big turbo
DV = dump/diverter valve
CAI = cold air intake
TIP - turbo intake pipe
ARB = anti roll bar
LSD = limited slip differential
IAT = intake air temperature
AFR = air fuel ratio
EGT = exhaust gas temperature
WMI = water methonal injection
Probably many, many more that i have forgotten. I'm sure the guys on here will think of some and add them to the thread though.