General > Detailing

Simply stunning silver

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 after the terrible snow, grit and muck that has generally been thrown at my car since the new year, I thought I'd better get down to a decent detail for the forthcoming show and meet season.

The car over the last four days has been thoroughly cleaned and then garaged and treated to a full de-tar, megs claying, Polish and gloss treatment protection.

The reflection off the car is superb and now it feels like she is back to her usual self.

Unfortunately it is p!ssing it down now and so can only give a rear view shot of the old girl for the moment. Will post a few more up when the weather clears. :happy2:

Very Nice. Did you glaze and seal it?


--- Quote from: CarrG on February 25, 2009, 04:17:30 pm ---Very Nice. Did you glaze and seal it?

--- End quote ---


 I used Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection to seal it.

Just managed to get out in between the drizzle to take some more pics.

Looking good Hurdy! :happy2:

looking good ;) its hard to get a good reflection on a silver car but you seem to have done well


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