General > Detailing

Simply stunning silver

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Looks great!

Love the rear spoiler John!  :smiley: :smiley:

rear badge looks good mate, never seen it on a silver one  :happy2:

looking good hurdy. could i suggest something for silver? in my opinion its the best stuff for silver cars, on a parr with zymol high end waxes...


Werkstat Acrylic Kit

This excellent value for money kit includes everything you need to achieve the Werkstat acrylic finish on your car, and works best on lighter colours and metallic/pearlescent finishes. Werkstat Prime Acrylic is a light finishing polish that lays down a tough initial coat of acrylic protection whilst deep cleansing the paint; you should use it once every six months after claying. Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger is a pure spray sealant that should be used to add more gloss and protection every 6-8 weeks; the more layers you build up, the better the finish will get, in terms of both wetness and durability. Werkstat Acrylic Glos is a quick detailing spray and can be used to help boost gloss, lubricate when drying off after washing and loosen the residues of Werkstat Prime Acrylic and Werkstat Acrylic Jett Triggershould you find them hard to remove. Here are full instructions for each major six-monthly detail with the products...

After washing and claying (and corrective polishing if required), start out by applying a basecoat of Werkstat Prime Acrylic using the white Meguiars Microfibre Applicator Pad. Once fully dry, buff off this residue carefully with the Poorboys Super Thick & Plush Towel, using a spritz of Werkstat Acrylic Glos to help loosen the residue if needs be. To complete the process, apply a coat of Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger by spraying directly onto each panel and buffing off immediately with the Poorboys Deluxe Mega Towels, again using a spritz of Werkstat Acrylic Glos to help loosen the residue if needs be. To maintain the finish, simply quick detail with Werkstat Acrylic Glos after each wash, and add a fresh coat of Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger every 6-8 weeks until the time comes to start over by claying again.


all pics of cars treated by werkstatt. i do think it is the best thing for silver! ;)

ive always silver can look very bland, but the werkstat really brings out the flake

Cheers for that Jay.

I'll be getting some of that to try :happy2:

I must say though that the Megs and Autoglym have worked a treat. I know a lot of people now tend to buy stuff like Zaino, Zymol, Dodo juice etc and find them excellent, so I'll have to be a bit more adventurous next time around :jumping:


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