So I'm driving down this single track carriageway at a lovely steady 40mph using cruise control (courtesy of vrStu

), mainly because no one else seems to realise that a white circle with a black line going through it diagonally means NSL and hence continue at 40 instead of 60.
Anyway, after swinging round a roundabout and heading for the DC, I was on a slip road pulling 30mph in fourth. There's a fair bit of traffic on the slip road so I go slow. I join the DC and decide I should be in the outside lane, so I drop from fourth down to second and the revs shoot from 2000 to 6000+, overtake and quickly slip through the gears until I'm at 70mph in 6th. God I love that surge of acceleration.
The question: Is shooting the revs up like that likely to mess things up in regards to the engine/turbo?