General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Voucher codes or special offers for forum members
So with the upsurge in group ons , KGB etc etc
I am a bit of a bargain hunter so thought it would be good to have a section to share with other forum members on the deals we all find.
For instance I just found a free meal at pizza express ! Surely lots of people on the forum love pizza !
So we have a thread for exactly that voucher codes and special offers non gti related ?
It is only available to registered users on the forum and therefore will not divert from what we are all about
:popcornsoda: :popcornsoda:
Good idea, jpc scored heavily when I told the forum about loft insulation! :signLOL:
Does it really warrant it's own section though?
I just thought they would be easier to find this way rather than getting lost in random chat ?
You could have a bargain thread and just everything in there.
Top Cat:
What about a sticky in random. :happy2:
the recent purchase thread keeps going in their quite well. :drinking:
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