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Beading Pics Thread

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when you guys say 3 coats are you applying the 3 coats one after the other or a coat every time you wash for 3 washes, I take it you wont loose your wax through a normal wash,,, does it still stay on ?

You can do it either way really, Scott. Though I usually finish / seal my work with 2 coats of wax / sealent. Use quick detailer to make your top coat last a little longer during the drying of the car (spray on to wet car and dry with towel). I would recommend that you use luke warm water to wash with, as hot water could potentially strip the wax. Hope this helps?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Joff Gas:
Had the car detailed yesterday and woke up at 5 this morning to find a few nice bit of beading  :smiley: :smiley:

Top Cat:
Loving the last pic.  :happy2:

looks like straight aluminium no paint.  :notworthy:


--- Quote from: scottm72 on November 01, 2012, 12:18:58 am ---when you guys say 3 coats are you applying the 3 coats one after the other or a coat every time you wash for 3 washes, I take it you wont loose your wax through a normal wash,,, does it still stay on ?

--- End quote ---

Personally I would apply the coats with at least a 3- 4 hrs between coats. Any less than that and I don't think the wax would have time to cure/harden sufficiently to not be removed by the application of the 2nd coat. I always apply my additional coats after the next wash.


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