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--- Quote from: Boothy on November 02, 2012, 12:25:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: scottm72 on November 01, 2012, 12:18:58 am ---when you guys say 3 coats are you applying the 3 coats one after the other or a coat every time you wash for 3 washes, I take it you wont loose your wax through a normal wash,,, does it still stay on ?

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Personally I would apply the coats with at least a 3- 4 hrs between coats. Any less than that and I don't think the wax would have time to cure/harden sufficiently to not be removed by the application of the 2nd coat. I always apply my additional coats after the next wash.

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But surely 2-3 coats gives you an effective level of protection for about 2-3 maybe even 6 months? (dependant on road conditions, weather / season etc) I dont apply wax that often personally. I tend to stick to quick detailers to maintain the levels of glossiness and protection, but I guess everyone has their own way? :smiley:

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

cheers red, think it makes sense not to apply them all at the same time as you say, maybe depends on the type of wax, would like to apply them all in same day as to get it done and out the way but the other way as you say to do it after 3 washes in a row, I wonder what would be more effective out of the 2 ways.
I guess some people just wax on  - buff off then straight away do it 2 more times but as you say that may be a pointless procedure.
I actually find it easier to wax my whole car compared to doing the wheels,,, maybe its all the bending down at my age im finding a chore lol

My mk5

Washed the old girl today, this was just after I'd rinsed it and before I was going to dry it

Got a couple of pretty ones this morning!  :notworthy:


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