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Beading Pics Thread

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That is really shiny, I had to look twice myself, almost thaught that it was photoshopped!


--- Quote from: woahnowboys on July 14, 2013, 06:45:46 pm ---Using Kleen Freaks' Invisible Wax. I love this stuff! :party:
Random part of my roof which always makes the beads go biiiiiggg!

And a cheeky reflection shot.

--- End quote ---

OMG! Thats amazing! I thought it was one of those camera effects where its mirrors an image!

Haha thanks for the love! I'd recommend it to anyone.
There's a reason why it's called 'Invisible Wax'! :notworthy:


I know its not beading but I love this photo! Took me ages to get a finish like that and after the storm last night the car still looks freshly washed and dry!

And in the background can see my rather neglected civic haha


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