VC, if you could find a bit more background info and maybe PM me, I'm very friendly with the local CWU reps and could get hold of the regional rep easily. I would like to hear what their slant is on this as I've never come accross such a case especially in this part of the world.
I know Royal Mail have had all sorts of issues with bullying and harrassment and spend their life brainwashing staff into being PC androids. However I know for a fact that it is a fairly male dominated workforce and that for many years most of the staff were ex-military and any new entrants were always asked at interview stage whether they could cope with a fairly 'colourful' work envoironment.
I would think someone who had years of service should be able to argue a very strong case that they were unwittingly using that sort of language because that's what they had more or less been brought up on.
I deal with fairly senior management every day that use very colourful language so would be happy to add my tuppence worth to the arguement as long as I didn't have to name names!!!