Hi all you shiney guys! I'm not often in this section of the site but just thought I'd share with you.
I have now updated this post, having learnt that the product is not new but repackaged with the addition of brushes. Never believe the gentlemen of the press!
Apart from Zaino and handwashing my alloys with the same Meg's NXT Shampoo I lambswool mitt the body with, I've never found a wheel cleaner that hasn't scared me away with some caveat (Latin for 'Cover your arse') about keeping the said cleaning solution well away from brake discs and calipers - A scary prospect... Until now.
My local freebie weekly newspaper has a motoring section and had quite a full write-up. What attracted me were the words:
Autoglym Custom Wheel Cleaner kit includes acid-free wheel cleaner, safe for use on all wheel types, and two wheel brushes.So, as my local auto bits shop stocks Autoglym products (and sometimes the gorgoeus hottie owner is there) I ventured forth with fifteen squid in my pocket (and a hard-on). She had only received stock a few days before and asked me to give her feedback (you bet!). My feedback for you gentlemen and one or two ladies is this:
Firstly check that your wheels are cold. Then, one wheel at a time, spray gun the white gunky stuff onto the alloy - It's preferable if wet because it spreads better but can be dry. With very open spoked alloys like my OZ Alleggerita's it will inevitably go on the disc and caliper but no problem. In fact it cleans the calipers very well. The most effective way of using the trigger spray gun is to blip it in short successive bursts. Rather than let it all trickle downwards under gravity I used the larger of the two supplied brushes to work it all around and then waited for literally a minute before hosing it all off with cold water. To get rid of water marks I suggest a soft cloth to dry it off. So each wheel takes about 5 minutes maximum and it's very very easy - Something which for the likes of me is essential!
As you'd expect, the cleaning solution apparently includes a special blend of biodegradable surfactants, solvents and alkalis to loosen even the most stubborn and engrained brake dust, leaving an immaculate finish. I found it does what it says on the tin. Written on the box is a Sodium Hydrochloride warning but Autoglym tell me that this is only because packaging regulations require it. All cleaning solutions need an active agent and they assure me that it is safe on wheels.
It can be used safely on Monza diamond-cut lacquered alloys BUT only provided that the seal is not broken. AG say that Ford offer the most durable wheels with this finish because the lacquer is thicker.
The instructions suggest using Autoglym's Wheel Sealant afterwards but it comes in an aerosol can and has those dreaded words warning against contact with discs and calipers. It does suggest it can be applied via an intermediate cloth but that doesn't appeal to me. Any wax or body polish can be used.
Overall I find it ideal and very effective. Voila mes amis