you would think that fact i have got spanking new porker brakes a p flow intake and my dv replaced and a cheaper than stealer xennon light fixed that i would be happy!!!
grrrrrrrrrrrrr... appaaraantly not!!!
the mechanic who was recommended was driving me mental- dithering about and just not getting on with it!!AND>>>>
he told me i didnt need the anti rattle shims that daveB told me i would so now i squeeaked all the way i might need to return and i couldnt find the sensor lead so i need to buy one from mr brown asap
and i,m not sure i like the Pflow noise lol.... perhaps its just me...or i need to get used to it!!
AND no DP fitted or my osir paddles!!! thats gotta be later this week

sorry rant over with.
ill try get pics of fresh pork up soon