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Beef with composing a post!

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I have beef....

When composing a post why is that if you hit the return key to make some space (paragraph if you will), if you click the insert image button or a smilie it plonks it at the first free line, not where the carat is?




Top Cat:
This also beefs me, it only started occuring when PG decided to go it alone. I keep meaning to mention it but just forget. I just add the line space at the end when previewing the post for mistake's.  :happy2:
I am sure he will fix it when he gets a mo.  :happy2:

What are you lot talking about? I can see any problem  :confused:

Ok I think I get this and I will try to explain.

As you type in the box I am typing in now sometimes if there is a lot of text i.e if you have quoted, the text at the bottom disappears until you start typing again.

It then appears when you type again but if you stop its gone.

Really difficult to correct mistakes and its across Mac, Pc, IE, Chrome, etc etc.

Is that it chaps?


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