Just realised I have not posted in here yet - been a tad busy. I am an Assistant Headteacher at a specialist technology college in Basingstoke. Been teaching for 17 years and would not change my job for the world. Graduated and then did my PGCE in Geography and Outdoor education whilst also doing my masters. Got lots of outdoor qualifications including Winter/Summer MLTB, BCU Level 4 coach, orienteering, climbing etc...- certainly one big paper chase, especially with all this legislation and accountability. In 2000 transferred across to becoming Head of IT - hold quite a few IT related qualification including Cisco CCNA/P, loads of MCSE stuff and am also an Apple Educator

Still love being in the classroom, but only spend 20% of my time there now being involved in strategic management of the school.
Must say I have really enjoyed following this post - found it interesting and eye opening
