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Author Topic: Japan Quake  (Read 10946 times)

Offline JPC

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Re: Japan Quake
« Reply #60 on: March 15, 2011, 01:26:16 pm »
holy moly? containment failing is the worst outcome really.


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Re: Japan Quake
« Reply #61 on: March 15, 2011, 01:59:15 pm »
One thing I've noticed about all of this is the resolve of the Japanese people, they aren't all hysterically running around and whining as often happens in disasters.

Going to get much worse once the hardship sets in.

I think if the tables were turned GB wouldn't survive or cope with a similar incident.

I don't agree. Push comes to shove and you will be amazed of what we as a nation are capable of.

Poverty, I completely agree with you, we have the knowledge and resolve to get through something like this.

The people who wouldn't want to help themselves i.e. all the chavvy thieving scum, would perish and get no help.

This great country of ours still produces some of the most intelligent and hard working people in the world.

The few people and issues that are splashed around the 'News' Papers is utter bullsh*t if you don't read them or watch utter sh*t like Jeremy Kyle then you realise that there are good people in this country.

Just drive down the M40/M4/M25 people going to work each and every day for very long hours just getting on with it.

I have spoken to two or three people say the same thing to me: If I/we got the chance I would quite happily go to Japan and help them out, I will put that into perspective I haven't been out of my street for 3 days and have only seen a handful of people. Thats quite good resolve!!!