General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

E-mail notification

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Could we either have an option in the profile set up or set it as std to send an email notification when a topic / thread either started by me or replied to by me has a reply ??

i keep forgetting to tick the hidden box at the end of each post  :rolleye:


It's already selectable globally >

Profile > Modify Profile > Notifications and Email > 3rd in tick box list > Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic

And don't forget to click <Save settings>

I have also done that Robin and I dont get any notifications either...  :sick:

I do not any issues with the email stuff either.

Edit - Just checked both your profiles NotNormal and 08Micsta  and neither of you had this option selected, so I have set it for you.

Nope.....I marked that box in the firsr instance......and i've unmarked and remarked it (all using the save) and nothing still :(


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