I had the same - swapped my coil packs first, but turned out to be the plugs.
Same here!! I had coilpacks changed at VW a few weeks ago, but still had a misfire - sometimes quite bad.
They wanted £90 including labour to put new plugs in at the same time, which I thought was a bit of a cheek as everything was removed to change the coilpacks.

I think the goodwill fairy was off sick that day.
I bought some NGK's BKR7EIX Iridium plugs off EBay (£25.90 delivered!) and fitted them this morning. I took the long, long way to work then without any sign of a misfire.

The last two problems I have to solve are the strange increase in power when I lift off a bit from full throttle, and hunting in first when the engine is cold, although I suspect these are fueling issues rather than ignition. Any opinions or ideas gratefully accepted.