Two weeks ago I was involved in a three car pile up, luckily enough though we were only doing around 15 mph. My poor old golf suffered frontal damage which resulted in a £3000 insurance repair.
The majority of damage was bumper, bonnet and wing related however I also trashed radiator, fans, air con condenser and headlight brackets.
I picked the car up today and was initially very happy. Five minutes into my drive home the digital display vanished leaving just the red line, slowly the line also faded and has not returned. I have pressed all the buttons including the reset, switched the engine off and removed the key twice...still nothing. The audible alarm however is still working and beeped several times on the way home.
The only electrical components which have been changed are fans and headlights. I dont think the battery was disconnected as I didnt need to enter the code for MFD2 when I first powered it up so I am at a loss as to what is causing this.
Any advice you guys can provide would be most helpful