General > Photography Section
Big moon tonight
i cant tell anything in size...
--- Quote from: sportyy on March 19, 2011, 10:56:43 pm ---i cant tell anything in size...
--- End quote ---
Great pics fella's! :happy2:
Well, not the Moon... but when I was outside with my telescope I pointed it at Saturn and got a nice view there. Randomly decided to point my Leica into the eyepiece, and look what I got!
Saturn by CmdrFire, on Flickr
Very chuffed with this, that's 100% and I didn't think it'd be possible to capture anything at all!
F/2, 1/12s, ISO 1250 (IIRC), 28mm lens (aided by a Meade ETX-90 (1250mm, f/13.8 ))
Nice one mate!
Some frikkin' awesome moon shots. I wish I had a decent camera set up. Headed out last night and noticed the moon was very low, very big and very yellow. Would have made an awesome shot. Made me howl anyway. :grin:
EDIT: cmdrfire, did you just poke your camera at the eye piece of the telescope? Or did you use some kind of adaptor?
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