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Big moon tonight

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--- Quote from: cmdrfire on March 19, 2011, 11:15:53 pm ---Well, not the Moon... but when I was outside with my telescope I pointed it at Saturn and got a nice view there. Randomly decided to point my Leica into the eyepiece, and look what I got!

--- End quote ---

Just as long as you don't start taking pictures of Uranus we'll be just fine.  :booty:

@Stealthwolf, I just pointed the camera into the eyepiece, manually set to the settings described. Took a few shots, all of the others suffered from camera shake but I got that one at least  :jumpmove:

Was at a housewarming last night and someone brought there telescope (it had an computerised equatorial mount but he didnt know how to use it)

Manage to take this on my iphone through the eyepiece.

Saturn by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

w00t, more Saturn! What telescope did your friend have Rich?

It was a Meade Reflector... not sure about the model but it was about 1100mm focal length (id had a few sherbets so cannot be 100% sure)


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