Well I have unpackaged the speakers and I am still happy with my decision although one of the mid range speakers has marginal damage to the dust cover as well as the tweeter however for the money Im not going to complain!
Visually they look well put together and the woofer has some decent weight to it and a good range of movement on the cone, the woofer plastic housing is also formed as the outer shell of the speaker and the base of this has foam padding to cushion between the plastic and the metal of the door ensuring a tight and cushioned fit.
The Mid range speakers have the same polypropolene plastic cone and have a sturdy ABS plastic shell not much more to say about these without an original speaker to compare.
This set also includes a new cross-over this one isn't branded Phillips as the one already in the door but has the exact same shape, as this is the only thing not pictured in the other speaker sets I can only assume these are the items that make up the additional wiring kit mentioned earlier!
The tweeters appear to be well put together and have a suprising weight for there size and what looks to be an in-line noise supressor or frequency filter, the kit includes double sided foam pad for the fitment of these into the original position.
I also tried to use the hoover technik mentioned by Creatz to rectify the slight crushed tweeter either my hoover isnt powerful enough or the aluminium cone wont reform easily either way I will install and see if the damage interferes with the sound, if not since each item has its own item number I assume I can simply order a new tweeter unit on its own!
The kit also includes a full fitting kit including dlind rivets for the woofer screws and backing plates for the mid range and foam pad for the tweeter as well as a comprehensive fitting instruction manual.
All in all pretty impressed just hope they sound as I expect. Not full aftermarket install but an improved sound quality and sound range especially at the lower end of the frequency reproduction, the frequency range posted on the box certainly suggests they can handle a sound range equivalent to hertz 3 way components even if the power is lower.
Provided all the tools arrive in time I will have a crack at the left side on Thursday and provide some audible feedback and a visual comparison to the original fit once one side is removed.