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Glass cleaner - Stupid question......probably!

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Hi, Which glass cleaner do you guys recommend?

Noticed several light scratches on the front windscreen and wondered if there was any way to remove.

Presently use a meguiars NXT glass cleaner.

Cheers : :smiley:

I had some light scratches on my last car, I used toothpaste  :laugh: mildly abrasive and minty fresh  :grin:

for cleaning the glass I use autoglym....but that's purely as i've yet to find anything decent

megs stuff is great. i buy it in bulk and dilute it, works out very economical, and it smells great

Phil Mcavity:
autoglym instant glass cleaner for me too, in spray bottle

autoglym car glass polish works well, smells good too    :laugh:


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