I think I have settled on the TT arms with balljoints. The list appears to be this
TT Aluminum Control Arms Parts List (pricing from genuineaudivwparts):
8J0 407 151 D (need 2 Same part # left and right) $216.00 X 2
Ball Joints
8J0 407 365 $92.16
8J0 407 366 $92.16
Ball Joint Nuts
N 103 320 02 $0.66 - need 6
N 909 429 01 $1.07 - need 2
Ball Joint Bolt Stud Brackets:
8J0 407 175 $11.88
8J0 407 176 $11.88
Bolt for Rear Bracket to sub-frame
N 105 797 01 $1.32 need 4
Bolt for Rear Bracket to frame
N 908 235 01 $1.87 need 2
Bolt for Front Bracket- horizontal
N 101 410 01 $2.82 need 2
12 Point Axel Bolts
WHT 002 795 $2.82 need 2
My only remaining questions are where is the cheapest and will the WALK fit