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Guests removal
That sounds funny as hell for no reason :signLOL:
I'm very strongly against a structure which allows an anti police stance and if it allows bragging about law breaking I, for one, will no longer wish to be associated with this site.
If individuals feel proud of their driving exploits they can share it privately rather than on an open public forum.
By allowing such expression, the site will be seen to be condoning irresponsible driving behaviour whether it does or not. In turn that will attract unwanted attention and also reflect badly on members.
^^^ Completely agree.
Like I said earlier, if you wanted to create a 'bragging' section, you'd have to vet anyone who joined to make sure they were not police/police informants. Are you really gonna go that far just so you can brag that you went into triple figures?
--- Quote from: RedRobin on May 02, 2009, 12:03:10 am ---....
I'm very strongly against a structure which allows an anti police stance and if it allows bragging about law breaking I, for one, will no longer wish to be associated with this site.
If individuals feel proud of their driving exploits they can share it privately rather than on an open public forum.
By allowing such expression, the site will be seen to be condoning irresponsible driving behaviour whether it does or not. In turn that will attract unwanted attention and also reflect badly on members.
--- End quote ---
Robin, I must be missing something, can you explain what you mean??
@ Steve
I'm suggesting that the Moderators here quickly edit/remove any posts which brag about racing/speeding on public roads (saying "on a private road" is too transparent).
Clearly I'm not suggesting that posts discussing/debating police behaviour such as in the G20 thread should be censored. I'm talking about boasting driving 'bravado' - The sort of thing that could result in what happened to Ben.
It isn't enough for this site to publicly state a disclaimer that anything posted is not the official view of the owners/Mods - Whereas such a disclaimer does apply generally it won't wash for motoring offences.
By not moderating/editing such posts, and in spite of a disclaimer, authority and others will/may judge this site as supporting irresponsible driving behaviour and tar all its members with the same brush.
As a consequence, a site where it becomes known that road law breakers frequent, will/may be targetted for unwelcome attention.
Obviously how individuals drive and how they have fun is entirely up to them and can be discussed at meets or by PM if they wish.
With Power comes Responsibility.
^ Does that explain it better? ^
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