General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Guests removal

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How about allowing guests to view a certain number of pages, before they are forced to register before they can view any more?
So, for example, a guest can view 5 pages, an dthen just see's a default page stating they need to register to view any further forum content...

I used to use this with a forum I owned in the past, and it worked pretty well.......

@ Robin.

Thanks for your explaination, I was very confused why you had posted your comments in this thread after it hadn't been active since the 5th of March and was about removing Guests access to the site.

I am not aware of any examples where these types of threads have been left unchecked on the site as we are very aware of the damage this can do to both the site and the individual(s) involved.

All of the moderators do their best to keep an eye on things but we can't always be online to check every post.

We would ask that if something of this nature is ever posted that members use the "report to moderator" below the offending post.

As always thanks for your feedback  :happy2:

@ Steve

I hadn't read this thread before and thought I should contribute my thoughts.

You are right that there aren't any examples of baddies currently and that's either because people haven't posted any or you have jumped on the case very quickly already.

I do remember reporting one to the Mods a while ago.

The subject may not seem to be directly the same as 'Guests Removal' but it's all subject to the same principle of why or not.

Cheers :drinking: :grouphug:


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