General > Detailing

VeeDubs Detailing Toys

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I would not say no to that... I can sell in SA.

Er... What exactly does it involve though? I have heard about it though.


I guess you'd have to contact places like Megs UK/USA and Zaino directly, place large orders and you'd get the trade prices. Then pop up a decent website and spread to word  :happy2:

If there's no one selling it where you are, I bet it would sell real fast, once people who are into looking after their cars like us get to know about it.

I havent got much room until this blooming garage gets built, but once that gets done, whos knows... :party:

That sounds great. I will do a bit of product research over here and see what I can get or what the market wants.  :drinking:

Nice collection mate

Top Cat:
Funny you should mention selling zaino's products Veedub i thought you already owned the company.  :evilgrin:  :P


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